Все комментарии "takeahit"

05 мар 2016 18:17
21 апр 2015 05:36
Собачий рай
06 фев 2015 05:40
27 июл 2013 00:46
Люди, давайте защищать детей, не будем равнодушными к их бедам!
09 июл 2011 01:43
а что это за новый праздник на руси ?
06 июл 2011 23:11
07 сен 2009 19:02
With all due respect to the film creators I’ve left with long lasting impression about so much viled marxizm-leninizm style propaganda movies propelled by these very knowledgeable commentators. The same style the same rhetoric so much used by Nazis and Soviet propaganda. I do regret that this very important period in Russian history was not supported by arguments of representatives from opposing views on WWII and particularly on Great Patriotic War.